I am a white, middle class woman and I thought I was aware of my privilege; I live in a country without war, where I can vote, I have rights that are upheld by the rule of law, I grew up in a safe area and I went to a good school, lived in a house with water, warmth and loving parents.

It wasn’t until 2020 that I realised my privilege was far greater than this. As a white women I have much work to do to ensure my actions don’t lead to the continued suffering and discrimination of black people, indigenous people and people of colour and minority communities.

I also believe it is not up to black people to educate white people, we need to do the work. Here is a list of resources you can use to educate yourself. I know I’ll get it wrong along the way, as I’m learning all the time but I own that wrongness and please know I am trying to grow my awareness to support the wellness of all.


  1. Give money to the Black Lives Matter campaign or to other anti-racist charities and organisations in your local community.

  2. Call out racist behaviour when you see it, don’t ignore it, don’t forgive it because of generation differences.

    Be brave.

  3. Educate yourself. Read, listen and inquire to help grow your knowledge, mind and heart.


    ‘Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race’ by Reni Eddo-Lodge, ‘Skill in Action’ (for yoga teachers) by Michelle Cassandra Johnson, ‘White Fragility’ by Dr DiAngelo.


    Soon to be live the Black Lives Matter panel discussion at Brigthon Yoga Festival website.


    Take Kallie Schut’s ‘Cultural Appropriation’ course. Find out details at @kallie_rebel_yogatribe


As an associate teacher for the Total Yoga Nidra Network I share in their statements and vision for social justice and have signed and support their Yoga Nidra Network Operating Ethics.

To love and desire freedom and justice for Black people is a prerequisite for wanting freedom and justice for all. Right action is part of our yogic path, Total Yoga Nidra and Yoni Shakti Yoga are liberatory practices. We share tools for freedom and we stand in solidarity with those calling for justice and freedom.​​​​​​​
— Total Yoga Nidra Network